
What is a parge coat?

A parge coat is a method of sealing a masonry background prior to drylining with a system such as DriLyner Dab.

We manufacture Gyproc Soundcoat Plus which is gypsum-based and designed to improve acoustic performance and reduce air leakage by sealing air paths.

Air leakage through blockwork can be significant, particularly through incomplete mortar joints, cracks or via the block permeability. Air passing through the wall will take heat energy with it, reducing the thermal efficiency of the wall and also adversely affecting the acoustic performance. A continuous 6mm coat of Gyproc SoundCoat, applied to the face of the masonry prior to the installation of DriLyner systems, will seal hidden air paths often found in mortar joints between blocks or bricks, improving the performance.

Alternately consider the use of our Thistle plastering systems an alternative to drylining which will also reduces air leakage and optimises the sound insulation performance of the masonry element.